Secure your reproductive future with embryo freezing
Whether you’re facing fertility challenges or simply want to defer parenthood, embryo freezing provides you with a valuable safety net, giving you the flexibility to pursue your dreams at your own pace.
Embryo freezing, also known as embryo cryopreservation, is a fertility preservation technique that involves the safe and controlled freezing of embryos created through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) for future use. This enables individuals or couples to preserve their embryos for later pregnancy attempts, even if they are unable to conceive immediately or if their fertility declines over time.
The embryo freezing process typically involves the following steps:
IVF Procedure: Fertilize mature eggs with sperm in a laboratory, creating embryos.
Embryo Development: Monitor the embryos’ growth and development over several days.
Cryopreservation: Freeze the selected embryos using advanced techniques that preserve their viability and genetic integrity.
Storage: Store the frozen embryos under controlled cryogenic conditions until they are ready for use in future IVF cycles.
Patients undergoing preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) typically freeze their embryos following the test because the findings can take up to a week to arrive.
Embryo freezing is a valuable option for individuals or couples who fall into one or more of the following categories:
Surplus Embryos: If you have produced more embryos than you need for your immediate family plans, freezing excess embryos can provide flexibility and peace of mind for future pregnancy attempts.
Fertility-Threatening Medical Treatment: If you are undergoing medical treatments, such as cancer therapy or surgery, that could impact your fertility, embryo freezing can safeguard your reproductive potential.
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) Risk: Women with a higher risk of OHSS, a condition characterized by excessive fluid buildup in the abdomen due to hormonal stimulation, may benefit from embryo freezing to avoid complications during pregnancy.
Age-Related Fertility Decline: As women age, their fertility naturally declines, increasing the difficulty of achieving pregnancy. Embryo freezing allows women to preserve their eggs at their peak quality, enhancing their chances of success in future pregnancy attempts.
No, egg freezing and embryo freezing are two different fertility preservation techniques. Egg freezing involves preserving unfertilised eggs, while embryo freezing involves preserving fertilised eggs, also known as embryos.
The ideal time to freeze your eggs is in your 20s or early 30s, when your eggs are at their peak quality. After age 35, egg quality declines rapidly, so freezing your eggs sooner rather than later can give you the best chance of a successful pregnancy later in life.
Embryo freezing offers several benefits for individuals and couples considering fertility preservation:
Flexibility for future pregnancy attempts: Embryo freezing allows you to store embryos for future use, even if your circumstances or plans change.
Protection from fertility-threatening medical treatments: If you are undergoing medical treatments that could impact your fertility, embryo freezing can safeguard your reproductive potential.
Reduced risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS): Women with a higher risk of OHSS may benefit from embryo freezing to avoid complications during pregnancy.
Enhanced chances of pregnancy: Studies have shown that the success rates of IVF using frozen embryos are comparable to those of IVF using fresh embryos.
Embryos can be frozen for an indefinite period of time while maintaining their viability for use. However, the longer they are frozen, the more likely it is that some will not survive the thawing process.
The success rate of IVF using frozen eggs is comparable to the success rate of IVF using fresh eggs. In fact, some studies have shown that the success rate of IVF using frozen eggs may even be slightly higher. This is because frozen eggs are not subjected to the same hormonal stimulation as fresh eggs, which can sometimes damage the eggs and reduce their ability to fertilize.
The success rate can vary depending on a number of factors, including the woman’s age, the quality of the embryos, and the specific IVF technique that is used.
No, frozen eggs cannot guarantee pregnancy. However, they can significantly increase your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Embryo freezing is a generally safe procedure with minimal risks. However, some potential risks include:
Embryo damage: There is a small risk that embryos may be damaged during the freezing or thawing process.
Embryo loss: Some embryos may not survive the thawing process or may not implant successfully in the uterus.
No medication is required to freeze embryos. They are simply cryopreserved using specialized techniques.
Disclaimer: Information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease including infertility. Resources published on the website shall be treated as “information or opinion”, not medical advice. Services provided by are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and are not intended as medical advice. Following initial assessment and consultation, Dream IVF Cyprus refers suitable patients to a fertility specialist for discussing treatment options.
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